Monday, September 29, 2008

Word of the day! 9-29-08

Today's Word
verbiage \VUR-bee-ij\, noun:1. An overabundance of words; wordiness.2. Manner or style of expression; diction.

"The sheer volume of verbiage he has expelled over eight years is enough to make John Updike look blocked.-- Andrew Sullivan, "Sounds of Silence", New Republic, January 15, 2001

"Points like these seem so self-evident as not to merit much repeating, but in the professional literature they appear all the time, slightly dressed up in academic verbiage.-- Michael Barrett, "The Case for More School Days", The Atlantic, November 1990

"She also indulged in flowery verbiage that her classmates called "H.D." for "heightened diction."-- John Habich, "Mother Country", Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 25, 2001

Verbiage comes from French, ultimately from Latin verbum, "word."

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